• 03/07/2024 09:32


  • Inicio
  • Highlights – Votes and exchange of views with WIPO – Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights – Votes and exchange of views with WIPO – Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights - Votes and exchange of views with WIPO - Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights – Vote on the provisional agreement on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence – Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights - Vote on the provisional agreement on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence - Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights – The European Parliament and the Court of Justice meet for their first annual dialogue – Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights - The European Parliament and the Court of Justice meet for their first annual dialogue - Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights – Vote on sustainability reporting standards and pilot projects and preparatory actions – Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights - Vote on sustainability reporting standards and pilot projects and preparatory actions - Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights – Exchange of views with Commissioners Šefčovič, Hahn and Jourová/Hearing on Metaverse – Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights - Exchange of views with Commissioners Šefčovič, Hahn and Jourová/Hearing on Metaverse - Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights – Debate with Commissioner Reynders, Swedish Presidency and vote on GIs – Committee on Legal Affairs

Highlights - Debate with Commissioner Reynders, Swedish Presidency and vote on GIs - Committee on Legal Affairs