• 09/10/2024 08:48

Indonesia – Draft Regulation on Mandatory Implementation of National Standard for Metallic Cookware, Utensils and Tableware

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 43 segundos

Recently, the Indonesian Directorate of Metal Industry, Ministry of Industry​ notified WTO regarding a​ Draft Regulation of Minister of Industry on Mandatory Implementation of Indonesian National Standard for Cooking Utensils (Cookware) From Metal As Well As Tableware And Cooking Utensils From Stainless Steel (Stainless Steel Flatware) product produced nationally or imported, distributed, and marketed in Indonesia, shall conform to SNI requirements. All Producers who produce these products shall perform compliance to those requirements, proven by having certificate SNI and SNI Marking product (SPPT -SNI).The product certificate for SNI marking shall be issued by product certification bodies that have been accredited by KAN and appointed by the Minister of Industry. Directorate of Metal Industry, Ministry of Industry is the responsible institution for the implementation of this decree and shall provide a technical guidance of the decree, which covers procedure of product certification and SNI Marking. Products which are distributed in domestic market that originated domestically and imported shall meet the requirements consisted in: 1.SNI 8752:2020 for Cooking Utensils (Cookware) From Metal As Well As Tableware. 2.SNI 8753:2020 for Cooking Utensils From Stainless Steel (Stainless Steel Flatware). Domestic or imported Cooking Utensils (Cookware) From Metal As Well As Tableware And Cooking Utensils From Stainless Steel (Stainless Steel Flatware) product that has been produced before this Ministerial Regulation comes into effect can still be distributed to a maximum of 12 (twelve) months from the date of enforcement.

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/indonesia-draft-regulation-on-mandatory-implementation-of-national-standard-for-metallic-cookware-utensils-and-tableware.html