• 27/07/2024 02:09

Chile – Protocol for Analysis and Testing of Light Pollution of Luminaires and/or Outdoor Lighting Projectors PCL N°1:2024

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 22 segundos

​This protocol establishes the requirements of the verification procedure against light pollution of luminaires and projectors for use in the types of outdoor lighting defined in articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Supreme Decree No. 1/2022, of the Ministry of the Environment, which establishes the «Emission Standard for artificial luminosity generated by outdoor lighting, prepared from the review of Supreme Decree No. 43, of 2012, of the Ministry of the Environment» in a representative condition of new products, whose supply voltage does not exceed 1,000 V; according to the scope and field of application established in the guideline «IEC 62722 Ed.1.0 2014-09. Luminaire performance – Part 1: General Requirements» and the other reference standards indicated in Table A depending on the nature or type of source of light used​.

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/chile-protocol-for-analysis-and-testing-of-light-pollution-of-luminaires-and-or-outdoor-lighting-projectors-pcl-n-1-2024.html