• 03/07/2024 07:17

Chile – Draft Safety Analysis and/or Test Protocol for Transformers and Power Supplies for Toys

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 18 segundos

The draft protocol was published on June 20, 2022, by Chile SEC(Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels). ​ The notified protocol establishes the safety certification procedure for transformers and power supplies for toys, for indoor and outdoor use, that meet the following criteria: Stationary and portable, single-phase, air-cooled (natural or forced) transformers for toys and power supplies incorporating transformers for toys, having a rated supply voltage not exceeding 250 V a.c., a rated supply and internal operating frequency not exceeding 500Hz, a rated output not exceeding 200 VA and a rated output current not exceeding 10 A. Final date for comment on WTO: August 23, 2022 ​

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/chile-draft-safety-analysis-and-or-test-protocol-for-transformers-and-power-supplies-for-toys.html