• 03/07/2024 09:53

Study – Digitalisation and administrative law – PE 730.350 – Committee on Legal Affairs

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 19 segundos
This European added value assessment seeks to support a European Parliament legislative own-initiative report on digitalisation and administrative law (2021/2161(INL)), asking the European Commission to present a legislative proposal on an EU law on administrative procedure. The study investigates the current state of play with regard to digitalisation and the use of digital tools in EU public administration. The analysis identifies five regulatory gaps and their impact on citizens and businesses. It presents three broad possible policy options for EU action that could address the identified gaps to some extent and generate positive impacts for citizens and businesses.

Source : © European Union, 2022 – EP

Artículo de publicado en http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2022/730350/EPRS_STU(2022)730350_EN.pdf