On July 17, 2024, the Oman Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) issued Decision No.1152/2/19/2024 – 12, to amend the Regulation for approving telecommunications devices; to replace the previous regulation issued by Decision No. (59/2015), which includes the regulatory framework for obtaining a permit to import telecommunications devices for commercial purposes, a certificate of approval for the type of telecommunications devices, a customs release permit from the Authority, and others. This Decision is to come into effect 30 days from the date of publication on the Official Gazette. The most prominent amendments were in specifying a time period for the validity of the type accreditation certificate, which was set at 4 years, renewable for similar periods. The new regulations also included special procedures for the category of small and medium enterprises that obtained an entrepreneurship card, and a comprehensive review of fees in terms of amending, reducing, or exempting them. Details of the regulation can be viewed here .