• 15/12/2024 00:44

Mexico – Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-011-ENER-2024: Energy efficiency of central, package and split-type air-conditioners. Limits, test methods and labelling

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 38 segundos

​National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy -National Advisory Committee on Standardization for the Conservation and Rational Use of Energy Resources (CCNNPURRE​) announces draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-011-ENER-2024: Energy efficiency of central, package and split-type air-conditioners. Limits, test methods and labelling.​ The notified draft Mexican Official Standard establishes the minimum seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for central air-conditioners with variable refrigerant flow. It also specifies the testing methods which must be used to verify compliance and defines the public information labelling requirements. It applies to ducted central, package and split-type air-conditioners, powered by electricity, with nominal cooling capacities of 5,275W to 19,050W, which operate by mechanical compression and include an air-cooling evaporator coil, an air-cooled condensing coil and a single-speed (fixed capacity) compressor, inverter (variable refrigerant flow or frequency) compressor or a multi-stage (staged capacity) compressor, with or without reverse cycle, which are manufactured, imported or marketed in Mexico. The following are excluded from the scope of this draft Mexican Official Standard: – Split-type, free air discharge, non-ducted air-conditioners (known as mini-split and multi-split), which operate with a single-speed (fixed capacity) compressor or a variable frequency (inverter) compressor. – Precision equipment. – Equipment covered by other Mexican Official Standards on energy efficiency. ​

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/mexico-draft-mexican-official-standard-proy-nom-011-ener-2024-energy-efficiency-of-central-package-and-split-type-air-conditioners-limits-test-methods-and-labelling.html