• 22/07/2024 21:00

Ukraine – The Law of Ukraine No. 2320-IX «On Waste Management» of June 20, 2022

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 46 segundos

​The Law is aimed at improving the waste management system, determining the legal, organizational, economic and control mechanisms for ensuring comprehensive protection of human health and the environment by implementing measures to prevent or reduce waste generation, mitigate the negative impacts from waste management, and facilitate its preparation for reuse and recovery as secondary raw materials and energy resources. The Law introduces into national legislation the fundamental principles and provisions of European legislation in the field of waste management, in particular, the introduction of a waste management hierarchy and basic requirements for extended producer responsibility, and introduces a system of long-term waste management planning at the national, regional and local levels, regional and local levels. The Law provides for the introduction of an information system waste management information system, which will significantly simplify the system of accounting and reporting, submission of declarations and implementation of permitting procedures in the field of waste management. The introduction of a subsystem of open registers will provide access to information of waste generators and other waste owners, to the public. It is proposed to strengthen control over the collection and treatment of hazardous waste by strengthening the requirements for licensing for such activities. The Law establishes the procedure for the municipal waste collection, removal and treatment, ensures the introduction of their separate collection and recycling, provides for requirements for the quality of waste management services and waste management fees for such services. The Law will enter into force on July 09​, 2023.

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/ukraine-the-law-of-ukraine-no-2320-ix-on-waste-management-of-june-20-2022.html