• 20/07/2024 01:22

France – Multiple Draft Decrees on Adapting EU Regulation 2023/1542 on Batteries and the Management of Waste Batteries

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 44 segundos

​In this consultation, the draft regulatory texts listed below aim to bring the national regulations relating to batteries and the management of battery waste into line with the provisions of the EU regulation 2023/1542 ​and in particular its chapter VIII relating to the management of battery waste. – TREP2417233D: Decree on batteries, battery waste and extended battery producer responsibility (decree of the Council of State); – TREP2417234A: Decree on the specifications of eco-organisations, individual systems and coordinating bodies of the extended battery producer responsibility sector (ministerial decree); – TREP2417237A: Decree relating to the minimum provisions to be included in contracts and supporting documents provided for in Article R. 543-128 of the Environmental Code (Ministerial Decree); – TREP2417238A: Order amending the Order of October 27, 2021 on specifications for eco-organisations, individual systems and coordinating bodies of the extended producer responsibility sector for electrical and electronic equipment (Ministerial Order); – TREP2417239A: Order amending the Order of May 26, 2016 relating to the minimum provisions to be included in contracts and supporting documents provided for in Article R. 543-200-1 of the Environmental Code (Ministerial Order). The provisions of these Decree and the Orders shall enter into force on January 01, 2025, with the exception of the provisions of Article R. 543-128 in its version resulting from this Decree, which shall enter into force on January 01, 2026. The above-mentioned draft texts can be consulted and commented from July 01, to August 01, 2024 inclusive. ​ ​ ​

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/france-multiple-draft-decrees-on-adapting-eu-regulation-2023-1542-on-batteries-and-the-management-of-waste-batteries.html