• 20/07/2024 07:16

Japan – Proposed Amendment on the Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 25 segundos

​Establishment of the criteria under the Act on the Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons, i.e., the Global Warming Potential (hereinafter «GWP») targets which the products listed in item 4 must satisfy, and the fiscal year targets by which the above GWP targets must be satisfied. Products covered: – Air conditioners for commercial use – Refrigerator and freezers for commercial use Labeling requirements Manufacturers shall indicate on their products: (1) the type, amount and GWP value of fluorocarbons, (2) product name and type name, and (3) name of the manufacturer. In their product catalogs, manufacturers shall indicate the GWP targets and the target fiscal year in addition to what is indicated on their products. Proposed date of adoption: October 2024 Proposed date of entry into force: April 2025, April 2027, April 2029 (depending on product types) Final date for comments: September 06, 2024​​

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/japan-proposed-amendment-on-the-rational-use-and-proper-management-of-fluorocarbons.html