• 18/07/2024 15:30

Indonesia – Ministry of Information and Communications Regulation No. 3 of 2024 concerning Certification of Telecommunications Equipment and/or Telecommunication Equipment

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 20 segundos

​The Indonesia Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KOMINFO) has earlier promulgated Regulation No. 3 of 2024 concerning the Certification of Telecommunications Equipment and/or Telecommunication Equipment. All telecommunications equipment and equipment certificates issued starting May 23, 2024 must comply with this new regulation.​​ Several additions and adjustments to the previous regulations regarding certification services include: adding types of certificates and extending the due date for Payment Notification Letters to 14 calendar days, which provide flexibility in requesting certificates. There are also labelling requirements such as: customer identity/certificate owner (PLG ID), QR code and warning sign. This Regulation repealed Ministry of Communication and Information No. 16 of 2018 regarding Operational Provisions for Equipment Certification and/or Telecommunication Equipment.​

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/indonesia-ministry-of-information-and-communications-regulation-no-3-of-2024-concerning-certification-of-telecommunications-equipment-and-or-telecommunication-equipment.html