• 22/07/2024 23:22

Brazil – ANATEL Public Consultation for Re-evaluation of the Regulation for Conformity Assessment and Approval of Telecommunications Products

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 22 segundos

​Public consultation No.13/2024 is published by ANATEL on February 29, 2024, for re-evaluation of the regulation for conformity assessment and approval of telecommunications products. After 3 years of practical application of the regulation, it was observed that certain issues have not been adequately addressed, which required a reanalysis of the points considered most critical. As a result of the need to improve the regulation in question, studies were carried out by the Agency’s technical committee, which resulted in the following topics of the Regulatory Impact Analysis Report, which is attached to this process. Theme 01 – Infractions and Sanctions in the Conformity Assessment and Approval Theme 02 – Legitimized to Homologation Theme 03 – Homologation Theme 04 – Treatment of Refurbished or Refurbished End date for comments: April 15, 2024

Artículo de publicado en https://www.tuv.com/regulations-and-standards/en/brazil-anatel-public-consultation-for-re-evaluation-of-the-regulation-for-conformity-assessment-and-approval-of-telecommunications-products.html