• 06/07/2024 04:20

Highlights – Vote on the opinion on European Digital Identity and Hearing on due diligence – Committee on Legal Affairs

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 39 segundos
On 26 October 2022, the JURI Committee will organise a public hearing on proportionate and commensurate corporate sustainable due diligence (09.00-10.30).

Further, the Members will also hold exchange of views on Chips Act (2022/0032(COD)) and Combating violence against women and domestic violence (2022/0066(COD)). They will also consider the opinion on 2021 discharge: General budget of the EU – Court of Justice of the European Union (2022/2084(DEC)).

In the afternoon, JURI and LIBE Members will consider the draft reports on Digitalisation of judicial cooperation (2021/0394(COD) and 2021/0395(COD)). JURI Members will then hear reporting back from JURI mission to Washington DC, USA which took place on 19-23 September 2022.

On 27 October 2022, the JURI Committee will consider the draft on opinion on Data Act (2022/0047(COD)) and hear a presentation of the study on IPR and the use of open data and data sharing initiatives by public and private actors.

The Members will vote on the opinion on establishing a framework for a European Digital Identity (2021/0136(COD)).

Further, the Members will consider the draft report on Geographical indication protection for craft and industrial products (2022/0115(COD)).

Finally, the JURI Committee will consider the draft report on Protection of the environment through criminal law and replacing Directive 2008/99/EC (2021/0422(COD)).

Source : © European Union, 2022 – EP

Artículo de publicado en https://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/product/product-details/20221026CAN67443