• 22/07/2024 23:32

Highlights – JURI Votes: Opinion on Artificial Intelligence Act – Committee on Legal Affairs

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 26 segundos
On 5 September 2022, the JURI Committee will vote on the opinion on Artificial Intelligence Act (2021/0106(COD)) and on the opinion on The EU accession to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (2016/0062(NLE)). The Members will also vote on the codification on Uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road (codification) (2021/0275(COD)) and on the recast opinion on energy efficiency (2021/0203 (COD)).

Further, the Members will hold an exchange of views with Pavel Blažek, Czech Minister of Justice.

Moreover, they will hold an exchange of views on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (2022/0051(COD)).

Finally, they will consider the draft opinion on transparency and targeting of political advertising (2021/0381(COD)) and hold an exchange of views on Data Act (2022/0047(COD))

Source : © European Union, 2022 – EP

Artículo de publicado en https://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/product/product-details/20220905CAN66825